Cooler 4x4 Trucks
More OffRoad Freedom!

Big 4x4 Sport Trac Fender Flares


by Jon Richmiller

Sport Trac Fender Flares

Sport Trac Fender Flares

I am a fellow owner of a Sport Trac and i can say that you really make some Trac owners proud with what you've done. Particularly over at

What i was really wondering though was where did you get your fender flares?

I'd appreciate any info on how i could get something similar on my Trac.
Thanks for the info i appreciate it.


Thanks Jon!

The Icelandic fender flares sure look cool! Unfortunately they are pretty expensive for the demanding US market. A set of fender flares run from $1000 and up (way up!). In addition the shipping costs are high because of the space they need. The fenders on my Sport Trac are custom built from a set of Nissan pickup fenders. Your can read more about the fenders here.

Keep on wheeling!

All the best,

The more I see your flares the more I like how they turned out. I was wondering if it'd be possible for you to show me exactly what pair of fenders you found. I see you said they are 356 inch but I'm having a hard time matching up the Nissan fender flares with that spec.

Thanks for the help,


Hey Jon!

I see you found a typo. That should have been "35 inch". That is flares for 35 inch modification for the Nissan pickup. The Icelandic flares that I used are made of fiberglass and therefore not too hard to modify according to your needs. At the moment anyway - doesn't offer these for sale.

All the best,
