Cooler 4x4 Trucks
More OffRoad Freedom!

This is a tale of three 1973 Scouts

"Recently I was skittering through the Internet looking for some off-road activities when I blundererd into:"

This is the start of an article that I just received from a friend in Canada. It was published in Old Autos - a Canadian newspaper. He is a Scout enthusiast and actually writing a book about Scouts and got my permission to use my picture of the cucumber green Scout in the book.

1973 ScoutsThis is a tale of three 1973 Scouts


This is a tale of three 1973 Scouts This is a tale of three 1973 Scouts

1973 Scouts


1973 Scouts

Ed Janzen has been writing for Old Autos, a newspaper magazine out of Ontario, Canada. He is going to be a regular writer as well for Muscle Car News. This one is an all color magazine printed in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Thrandur Arnthorsson
Thrandur is the chief-editor and owner of 4x4 Off Roads and an 4x4 off road enthusiast. Living in Iceland he loves to share the coolest 4x4 trucks and supporting more offroad freedom. If you want to get YOUR 4x4 featured on 4x4OffRoads you can post your story here.

4x4 International Harvester Scout

4x4 International Harvester Scout

Anything less is just a car

International Harvester began the design of a competitor for the 4x4 Jeep CJ. And the first Scout 80 was the 1961 model. Scout II is the most popular for offroad enthusiasts and one of the legends of the 4x4 Hall of fame. They where manufactured between 1971 and ...

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